Basics and How to Play Domino Qiu Qiu for Beginners

Basics and How to Play Domino Qiu Qiu for Beginners

Blog Article   -  In online card gambling, there are two types of games, namely domino and ceme, which both use gapleh cards to play. The ceme game itself is actually easier to play and you can try it. However, in the domino game there may still be many players who don't know how to play it. material regarding the most basic guidelines for playing the domino 99 game, which in our article this time is shown more for those who are beginners in this type of game.

In general, the online domino qq game is the same as other games, so it is important for you as a beginner to know that in the domino game, both online and in person, there are 28 cards, which have 2 top and bottom parts which are separated by a line. So, in playing this game, the dealer will distribute cards, and each player has the right to receive 4 cards, and this game is usually played by 2-6 people, no more. In fact, each of these cards has a different value, which is determined by the value on the card.

After that, you will receive an explanation regarding the calculation process for the number of cards you are currently using. And the number of dots on the card you have can certainly determine the value of the card. For example, if you have a card with a total of 7 dots on both sides of the card, the value remains 7. However, if the card has a value above 9, then the number between the first digits will be removed.

Determining the number of cards in the domino qiu qiu game
After that, you will receive an explanation regarding the calculation process for the number of cards you are currently using. And the number of dots on the card you have can certainly determine the value of the card. For example, if you have a card with a total of 7 dots on both sides of the card, the value remains 7. However, if the card has a value above 9, then the number between the first digits will be removed.
The way to determine the winner is by comparing the value of our cards with those of other players. for example:

1. Player one will get a card with a total of 2/4 and 1/3, called qiu because the total value is 9, 2/2 and 0/1 is worth 5, so it is called qiu 5.

2. Player 2 will definitely get cards with values ​​4/3 and 2/0. This can be called qiu because the total value of 9, 3/3 and 0/1 is worth 7 so it is called qiu 7 in this game.

3. So in this condition the person who will emerge as the winner is the second player. If that's the case, what if the player's card value is the same as yours, then that will determine who will be the winner.

4. Player 1 will get cards such as 5/5 and 9/3 and other cards on the right side 4/2 and 2/0 are said to get a qiu 8 card (balak 5).

5. The second player will also get cards with a total of 6/6 and 4/3 and the cards on the side will generally be on the player's right, such as 6/1 and 1/0, so it is said to get a Qiu 8 card (balak 6).

So, those are some calculations of all the total values ​​in the process of playing domino qiu qiu or 99. But it doesn't stop there, because in this game there are also several cards that really have a special impression. Among them are as we explained at the beginning.

That is the calculation of the total value in the domino 99 game. However, in the domino qiu qiu game there are also several special cards. These include:

The first card that is considered special is when you get a card with a total of 6 on each side of the circle. Because this card with a value of 6 is also one of the combinations of other cards which actually have a total of 6. And this card is a card with a fairly high value.

That's all for this article, maybe this article will help you a little in playing domino 99 online or other games.

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